Garlic Planting Tips by Climate - Ep. 221

Garlic Planting Tips by Climate - Ep. 221

Last week we talked onions, this week it’s another allium, garlic. The timing on planting onions in the fall is just about the same as when we plant our garlic for overwintering and garlic spends just about as much time in the garden as those fall-planted onions do.

Just like our onions, there are specific considerations for growing garlic – the right variety, the right soil, specific planting depth and spacing, planting time, and nutrients. If this all sounds vaguely familiar, that’s because those are all the same things we said are important for growing onions. Amazing how plants in the same family have some of the same concerns!

Today on Just Grow Something we’re talking tips for planting garlic by climate type. Whether you’re in zone 3 or zone 10 you can grow garlic, but what kind and when and how you plant will be vastly different and will greatly affect your success. Let’s dig in!

References and Resources

My Women in Podcasting Award and Acceptance Speech!

Ep. 40 - Growing Garlic

Ep. 67 - When and How to Plant Your Garlic, Plus Tips for Warmer Climates

Growing Garlic in Warm Climates - Focal Point Friday

Growing Garlic as a Perennial - Ep. 168

How to Choose a Garlic Variety to Grow - Ep. 214

How to Know When Your Garlic is Ready to Harvest

Find Seed Garlic: (aff)

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