Season 4

Gardening in Shade and Solving Your Garden Maintenance Problems - Ep. 196

Gardening in Shade and Solving Your Garden Maintenance Problems - Ep. 196

I hear from a lot of frustrated would-be gardeners at the farmer’s market stand who say they just don’t have enough sun in their yard to be able to grow anything. Of course, they can always go to max...

Preventing and Controlling Foliar Disease in the Garden - Ep. 195

Preventing and Controlling Foliar Disease in the Garden - Ep. 195

Foliar diseases in both vegetable and fruit plants can significantly impact our yield and the quality of that yield if left unmanaged. If you’ve ever had powdery mildew on your cucumbers or early bli...

Growing Strawberries - Ep. 194

Growing Strawberries - Ep. 194

We talk a lot about growing vegetables on this show but, in truth, I am a huge fruit eater. I love fruit, either on it’s own or on a salad, in smoothies, in desserts, love it. Being someone who is a ...

Proper Soil Temperatures for Transplanting - Ep. 193

Proper Soil Temperatures for Transplanting - Ep. 193

Using the last frost date in spring or our average air temperatures might be a good guideline to start with when figuring out when to plant the garden, but a better method for knowing when it’s actua...