Steps for Planning the Fall Garden (and Why You Should Grow One) - Ep. 205

Steps for Planning the Fall Garden (and Why You Should Grow One) - Ep. 205

Last week on the podcast we talked about your summer succession plantings, things you can plant in the summer and harvest in the summer on repeat. This week, it’s all about fall, baby. I know it may seem like the summer growing season just started, especially if you have very few frost-free days, but this really is the time to be planning for a fall harvest. In order to get a viable crop before your first frost date or first hard freeze or before your Persephone Period hits, the steps to get there start now.

Today on Just Grow Something we are talking all things fall garden planning – what to plant, when to start your seeds, whether to grow from seeds or seedlings, timing the planting, and getting to harvest. By the end you will have a firm grasp on whether you want to tackle a fall garden and why I insist it’s one of the absolute best times of year to garden in most areas. Let’s dig in!

References and Resources:

Save 10% on The Girly Homesteader Grow and Flourish Planner with code JUSTGROW

Frost Dates: First and last frost dates by zipcode -

2024 Frost Dates: First and Last Frost Dates by ZIP Code | The Old Farmer's Almanac |

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Merchandise | Just Grow Something