Ep. 52 - Cabbage

Ep. 52 - Cabbage

This Garden Talk Tuesday we’re going to look at another crop that’s great in the fall garden - cabbage! This is another one that works well in the cooler shoulder seasons of spring and fall and does exceptionally well in fall weather. Plus, it’s another bonus crop that can survive a light frost with no damage if it’s covered and can withstand longer periods of cold weather if properly protected.

The biggest problems people face when growing cabbage are twofold. Number one is the garden pests, and we’ll talk a little about how to manage those, but the real head scratcher is when the cabbage won’t form a head. So, we’ll talk about the importance of nutrients when it comes to cabbage and what to do when it just doesn’t head up like it should.

So, without further ado, let’s dig in to growing cabbage.

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Brassica oleracea

Properties of Cabbage

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Cabbage

Stomach Cramps After Eating Cabbage

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers