Season 5

How Many Plants Do You Need? - Ep. 232

How Many Plants Do You Need? - Ep. 232

Last week we defined our “why” for gardening as a way to help determine our goals. Part of that goal requires us to think about the types of things we want to grow in our garden and the number of peo...

Setting Goals and Budgets for the Garden - Ep. 231

Setting Goals and Budgets for the Garden - Ep. 231

Okay, my gardening friend, tell me this: why are you gardening? Did you start gardening during the pandemic because everything was locked down and you were at home all the time and needed some sort o...

Ten Most Versatile Herbs for Fresh and Dried Use - Ep. 227

Ten Most Versatile Herbs for Fresh and Dried Use - Ep. 227

I didn’t grow up learning how to cook. When I say I had no idea how to season my food as a young adult, I mean NO idea. I didn’t even use salt and pepper. It took me years to not just learn how to co...