Preparing to Preserve: Basic Canning Supplies for Beginners - Ep. 211

Preparing to Preserve: Basic Canning Supplies for Beginners - Ep. 211

There is something very satisfying about growing your own food, for sure, and being able to walk out into the garden to pick your lunch or your dinner. But, in the dead of a Midwest winter, the ability to be able to “shop” your own pantry for the things you eat the most, that you grew, that is a whole other level.

So, today on Just Grow Something we’re going to talk about the basic necessities you need for starting your own canning adventure. We’ll mostly focus on boiling-water canning and what can be safely canned in that manner, but since I jumped head first into pressure canning just a year after I started water-bath canning, we’ll touch on some of the differences in case, you too, are big on confidence but maybe a little shy on knowledge. Let’s dig in!

References and Resources

Vote for me in the Women in Podcasting Awards! Home Page - National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving (Updated Edition)