Getting More from the Garden: Succession Planting and Intercropping - Ep. 233

Getting More from the Garden: Succession Planting and Intercropping - Ep. 233

If you have struggled in the past with how to fit all the plants you want to grow into the space you have available for gardening, you are not alone. It’s probably the number one question I get from clients when I step into their yards: how do I lay out my plants so they all fit?

This not something that is intuitive or easy to figure out without a lot of trial and error, so don’t feel bad if you have tried it several times and don’t feel like you’ve gotten the hang of it yet. There is a step-by-step process you can use to get yourself off to a really good start and then modify based on your specific garden conditions.

Today, on Just Grow Something I will guide you through a step-by-step process for mapping out your garden to not only ensure a productive season but to find space for more plants through intercropping and succession planting. Whether you’re a beginner or have a few seasons under your belt, this method will help you plan efficiently and maximize your harvest. Let’s dig in.

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